Friday, March 04, 2011

Will there be a "Kelly" or a "Carrie" this Year?

There was a rumor that AI is “desperately” looking for a woman in this year’s competition, and the way, some of the front runners were given more airtime compared to the rest probably did shed some “light” into the hype. And if this, at all make any sense, the competition is no longer just about the 12 female finalists, but it would be a competition among last female winners as well. We have seen how Kelly & Carrie made it right to the top, will there be “one” in this year’s American Idol? And if there is one, will she take the “crown” and most importantly, can she make it as big as Kelly & Carrie?

I didn’t have the privilege to watch the prime time show on Astro, as something way more important was planned for last night. It was my princess one year old birthday dinner. There was a full 8 meal course, with dessert and a two KG cake waiting, and I had to leave, putting my Astro Max on standby for the recording.

And after, consuming more calories that I could take, we came home, exhausted. I tuned in to channel 999, and played the recorded AI, hoping I could sit through it. I don’t know what it was, but I did not give the show its equal share of attention, as I fast forwarded many performances after just 5 seconds of hearing each performance. And this is what; the 35 year old me, heard last night,

Ashton Jones
My say: Stage presence, yes. Strong vocals, yes. Likeability, not bad
Song Choice: Are you kidding me?
Verdict: We already have Fantasia, could she be better? Otherwise, what’s the point?

Haley Reinhart
My say: Stage presence, no. Strong vocals, yes. Likeability, neutral
Song choice: Are you kidding me?
Verdict: Forgettable

Julie Gorilla
My say: Stage presence, yes. Strong vocals, yes (if based on Hollywood week), Likeability, almost addictive
Song Choice: Are you kidding me?
Verdict: She will be safe

Karen Rodriguez
My say: Stage presence, yes. Strong vocals, yes, Likeability, not bad
Song Choice: Are you kidding me?
Verdict: Could have done better

Kendra Chantelle
My say: Stage presence, weak. Strong vocals, yes (if based on Hollywood week), Likeability, neutral
Song Choice: Are you kidding me
Verdict: She blew her chance

Lauren Alaina
My say: Stage presence, yes. Strong vocals, yes, Likeability: yes, (if they don’t play too much of the stevie card)
Song Choice: Are you kidding me
Verdict: She will sail through

Lauren Turner
My say: Stage presence, which one again?, Strong vocals, can’t remember, Likeability, which one again?
Song choice: Duh… which one again?
Verdict: Does it matter?

Naima Adedapo
My say: Stage presence, yes, Strong vocals, yes. Likeability, yes
Song Choice: Are you kidding me?
Verdict: May not be the first choice

Pia Toscano
My say: Stage presence, yes, Strong vocals, yes. Likeability, Yes
Song Choice: Smart
Verdict: She is known as a pretty face to me, but last night, she proved that she’s in to win, she was the best out of the bunch!

Rachel Zevita
My say: Stage presence, yes, Strong vocals, lukewarm, Likeability, Yes
Song Choice: Not my cup of tea
Verdict: The fact that she’s been “trying out” in the previous idols, yet, not hitting the jackpot, and how Ryan kept bringing that up, might not really help her here!

Ta-Tynisa Wilson
My say: Stage presence, zzzzzzzz, Strong vocals,zzzzzzzz, Likeability, zzzzzzzz
Song Choice: Oh my God!
Verdict: Nothing personal, but shoot me, if she’s in

Thia Megia
My say: Stage presence, yes, Strong vocals, yes, Likeability, yes
Song Choice: The smartest of the bunch
Verdict: Shoot me, if she’s not in!

Perhaps, I am harder on the girls, but hey, we are looking for the next Kelly or Carrie, big act to follow!

So, I am going to cut this short. My prediction for the Top Five
Pia Toscano
Thia Megia
Lauren Alaina
Julie Zorrilla
Ashton Jones

Results show, tonight! Am I excited, no. Will I tune in, yes. Will I bitch about it tomorrow, we’ll see!

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